Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Left 4 Dead/PayDay: The Heist Crossover Now Available

Mercy Hospital, the collaboration between Valve and Overkill, is now available as a free update to PayDay: The Heist on Steam. Set in Left 4 Dead’s Mercy Hospital, the update offers a new heist and a new theme inspired by the zombies of Left 4 Dead.

Players who have Left 4 Dead or Left 4 Dead 2 in their Steam library and have the game installed will receive new zombie masks to use during the heist, and Overkill notes that “some extra candy” is hidden in the new heist “for those who just can't help ending up in the hospital.” Mercy Hospital can be played using the new Overkill +145 difficulty, which Overkill promises “will leave you gasping for air.”

Valve and Overkill first announced a collaboration back in May, which was described as “a very cool blend of PayDay and Left 4 Dead.” The project was also described as “an in-depth collaboration.”

A teaser trailer for Mercy Hospital (referred to under the name “No Mercy”) surfaced on YouTube last month, giving us our first look at the collaboration. At the time, Overkill confirmed that a Left 4 Dead character makes a cameo in Mercy Hospital, but the content “is not meant to be a substantial extension of the Left 4 Dead fiction.”

Overkill handled all development of Mercy Hospital, which involves a heist searching for a particular patient’s blood.

Andrew Goldfarb is IGN’s associate news editor. Keep up with pictures of the latest food he’s been eating by following him on Twitter or IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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