BioWare and EA recently made the announcement that Star Wars: The Old Republic would shift from a subscription-only model to free-to-play. The adjusted model, which will take affect this November or December, will let anyone start up TOR and play to level 50 with a character class without having to sign up for a monthly fee.
“The market is clearly becoming a free-to-play market in the MMO space,” said Matthew Bromberg, general manager of BioWare Austin. “It appears that’s the direction the whole industry is going. Our own research told us that a significant percentage of the folks who have left the game, left because of the commitment to the subscription model. It’s not that surprising if you think about it because the dynamic in an MMO is essentially one in which you subscribe and then you’re waiting for new content, and people don’t feel good about waiting.”
The Old Republic started out very strong when it launched late last year, accumulating as many as 1.7 million subscribers. But then players started to leave in big numbers, so the number of active subscribers dropped below one million, though according to EA, is still “well over” 500,000. That’s still a lot of players, far more than most MMOs ever attract, but also a lot of players lost in under one year, and a trend that could have potentially continued without a change to the payment model.
EA is promising more frequent content updates from this point on, which will be free to those who decide to stay subscribed, but must be purchased by players leveling for free. Bromberg says the updates will introduce content that’s more social in nature. “Group content, Operations, Warzones, Flashpoints, events as opposed to focusing primarily cinematic story-driven single-player content.” Bromberg also teased a different style of space mission, saying, “we think there’s an opportunity beyond space on rails to do something really cool.” It sounds like that new style of space mission wouldn’t be ready until sometime next year.
The more solo-play-focused content is still on the way, with a level cap raise and new quests on the planet of Makeb scheduled to be released at some point in 2012, but this type of content isn’t exactly easy to produce. “The power and strength of the game, a lot of it was in this epic story. In fact it was so engaging that people played through it much more quickly than we’d imagined. The biggest strength of the game can also be a challenge as people get to the end. They got to the end much more quickly and we weren’t prepared for that. And so there was this lag time. That created some issues for us, clearly.”
One of the issues was development cost. “It’s hugely expensive. It’s cinematic, it’s lush, there’s voice over, it’s unbelievable. The amount of content available at launch was extraordinary. You have folks who’ve played through the levels, and what an online service has to provide is grouping. All of our research shows that people who have friends in game and play with people in social content, love the game and stay. If you remain a single player, you won’t stay. Our focus, in addition to extending the story which we will continue doing, is giving those players who want to play in groups with other people something fresh and new to do all the time.”
Bromberg said the behavior of a typical TOR player was to pick a class and stick with it through the story before branching out and setting up new characters. “That’s what drove the focused consumption of all that content. I think we’re still continuing to see that. Which is why I think it will be interesting in the free to play model, there are so many more people that we can open up to the story.”
Because The Old Republic wasn’t initially designed as a free-to-play game, it’s been an especially complicated process for EA and BioWare to figure what to charge for and what to keep free. “You try to find a balance whereby the limitations don’t impact the fun of the game. When you hit a certain level of engagement you’re going to naturally make that calculus in your head that it makes more sense to subscribe.”
Subscribers get unlimited access, while players without subscriptions won’t have unlimited access to PvP Warzones, will have fewer inventory and bank slots, as well as other limitations. “Ultimately you’ll be able to buy everything individually. But in the first phase, not everything will be purchaseable. But we’ll get there over time.” A microtransaction-driven Cartel Market will also be implemented, which will offer up cosmetic items, boosts and convenience items and tiered treasure chests that could contain rare vanity items.
As developers and publishers continue to experiment with pricing models, it’s not rare to hear some say pricing model design these days is game design. Bromberg pointed out the potential flaws in equating the two. “You don’t define a game by how people pay for it. I don’t think people who design games think about it that way. All the principles of game design, it has to be fun, it has to be engaging, it has to be social, all those things are true. And when you’re designing with free-to-play in mind, it does impact how you’re designing the game. I do think there’s been a little bit of an overemphasis on it, especially with the business model. Game designers don’t design games because of the business model is, they design because they love doing it. [The Old Republic] being free doesn’t really mean anything, you have to want to play. Especially in a crowded world. Especially with all these options. People don’t play something just because it’s free.”
Moving forward, Bromberg said a key factor in The Old Republic’s future will be an ongoing willingness to be flexible with the payment structure. “You never know how precisely it’s going to work until you begin interacting with consumers. You have to tweak as you go, and you have to tweak every day. That’s a very different discipline than a subscription model where you’re watching over time and it’s a bit slower. We’ve got to get in and look at the data every day and make sure we’ve got that balance right. I wouldn’t be shocked at all to see it change a lot. How much is too much, how much is too little? You can only figure that out by looking at data. You design by looking at data to begin with, but especially for us, this will be new. I’d expect there to be a lot of changes.”
Source : ign[dot]com
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