Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Archaia Captures the Thrilling Adventure Hour

Cover by Tom Fowler

A this year's WonderCon, IGN Comics had a chance to sit down with Executive Editor Joe LeFavi and discuss his upcoming project, The Thrilling Adventure Hour, an anthology book based on the popular live show and podcast.

He treated us to an early look at some gorgeous artwork and lets folks who have never heard of the show know that they'll still find plenty to enjoy in the madcap adventures be unleashed this year from Archaia. In the interview below, you'll find buckets of exclusive images from the upcoming book.

IGN Comics: I've heard of The Thrilling Adventure live performances, but how did a graphic novel come about?

Joe LeFavi: WE did a Kickstarter campaign last year and it was one of the highest grossing campaigns in their history. In 30 days, we raised $192,000 to do the graphic novel along with a scripted web series with Nerdist Industries and a live concert film due later this year.

"Beyond Belief" art by Tom Fowler & Jordie Bellaire

I've done so many anthologies for these guys [Archaia]; I did Fraggle Rock, I did Immortals, so we basically gathered my friends who I know were fans of the show – no posers! -- they had to know it, they had to love and we just went for it. We went to our fans and asked them, “Is this something you'd want to see?” The resounding answer was “Yes!”

So, we funded the graphic novel and I had worked with Archaia for about six years and they have never do a book wrong for me. The production design, the marketing, it's so much of a higher level of anything I had experienced elsewhere. And they were fans of the show and it was just a natural fit. That was last October and we reached our goal in seven days and it has been in production ever since.

"Beyond Belief" art by Tom Fowler & Jordie Bellaire

IGN: What are we looking at for a release date?

LeFavi: We are doing a pre-press release at San Diego Comic-Con right before it hits the show. If everything works out, we are probably going also have a performance of the show. That's if everything works out. There's a lockdown on that entire town and we need a very particular venue. It's looking good right now, so we'll see if we can pull it off.

The actual release date will then be late August.

"Captain Laserbeam" art by Lar deSouza

IGN: How many of the creators involved with the graphic novel are involved with the show?

LeFavi: None of them.

"Captain Laserbeam" art by Lar deSouza

IGN: They are all outsiders to the original production?

LeFavi: All fans of the show, yeah. It was all about, not just people who loved the show, but the tone of their work, which is so unique. One of my favorite stories is by Doc Shaner. Very unique, love his style, and we tried to go for a look for all the pieces that fit the overall tone of it. Like Doc's style, it's that old-but-new voice that we really go for in the show and the book.

We really wanted the whole book to have the feel of a classic, Silver Age comic, but through a new voice. It's just really fun, really vibrant, all the artists really brought their A-game for us.

IGN: So, for people that have never heard of The Thrilling Adventure Hour show, are they still going to be able to get a ton out of this anthology?

LeFavi: Yeah, it was designed that way. We never wanted it to be too insular, where only people who have listened to or watched the show know what's going on. It's going to be like one of those strange tale anthologies you used to pick up off the shelves back in the day where you have this epic piece on the cover and you just know you are going into this world and see all these different genres. The only thing that is unifying it is the voice. That familiar POV navigating these different stories and genres.

These stories are written not in an introductory kind of way; they just drop you into standalone tales where regardless of what you know. There are people who listen to the podcast that don't know it's a show. There are who watch the show and don't know about the podcast. There are people who are going to read this book and never know anything else about it and we want it to stand alone and feel like a strong, unified piece.

"Down in Moonshine Holler" art by Joanna Estep

IGN: Is this something that we can expect more of? Are there further volumes in the works?

LeFavi: We hope so. The show has been going on for eight years, the fans are so wonderful and supportive. As long as they want the comics, we will do them.

"Down in Moonshine Holler" art by Joanna Estep

The other thing that is fun is we are exploring digital, as well. If everything works out, some parts of the anthology only be available in the digital format. We've learned that a lot of people get into comics if it's more accessible, like on an iPad or a mobile device. So, we are gonna package it differently, we're gonna offer them different things. It's not just gonna be a regurgitation; there's a reason you are experiencing it on this medium.

We hope to be doing a lot more of these.

IGN: How would you sell this book to people that have never heard of the show?

LeFavi: Anyone who is a fan of genre entertainment: sci-fi, fantasy, fairy tale, whatever it is, there is something for you here. It's going to be epic and it's going to be thrilling and funny and character driven. It has a heart to it. That's why there's a community around it. It just has a wonderful spirit to it that we are keeping intact. I feel like, whoever is looking for that kind of experience, this book.

It's a celebration of all these different genres.

"Sparks Nevada" art by Randy Bishop

"Sparks Nevada" art by Randy Bishop

Benjamin loves him some Tom Fowler art. Follow Benjamin on Twitter @616Earth, or find him on IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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