Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Batwoman #19 Review

Batwoman #19 is all about family. Writers J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman explore the complicated web of interpersonal relationships in Batwoman's life and stress tests each and every one of them. Some families we're born into, some families we make, but either way, the people we call family can make us something better than we already are as easily as they can break us down with heartbreaking efficiency. Batwoman #19 runs with this idea as the women in Kate Kane's life drift further away from her while secondary characters like her father and Agent Chase try to solve their own familial problems.

After a shaky start to his run last issue, artist Trevor McCarthy hits his stride as he puts his own spin on the look of Batwoman without trying to mimic Williams' style. The books layouts are more geometric than Williams' aesthetic but but they work to great effect here. Likewise, the inks and colors -- provided by McCarthy, Walden Wong, and Guy Major -- are a glossy, sophisticated complement to the pencils. The team behind the book's visuals maintains the high standard fans have come to expect from Batwoman while delivering something new and unique.

It's one of the tightest stories Williams and Blackman have served up but there is a glaring fault in Batwoman's characterization that's becoming increasingly hard to ignore. As the DEO continues to pressure her into doing their dirty work, Kate Kane finds herself sacrificing her own relationships while they push her around. The character Blackman and Williams have created doesn't seem like the type to let outside forces pull her strings so thoroughly and for so long. With the DEO putting more pressure on Kate to do things that test the limits of her loyalty, hopefully, Williams and Blackman will soon break Batwoman free from her metaphorical chains and deliver the character we know she can be.

Melissa Grey is a lover of all things cats, comics, and outer space. She can be found on MyIGN at MelissaGrey or lurking on Twitter @meligrey.

Source : ign[dot]com

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