Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run Revealed

Nickelodeon has revealed that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fanatics worldwide will be able to get their hands on a new TMNT mobile game tomorrow, April 18. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run offers a tubular take on the endless runner genre. Gamers play as all four turtles (plus a few special characters) as they dispatch ninjas and other enemies across the New York City skyline.

Take a look at the game's traler and motion-comic intro:

Gameplay details, straight from Nick: In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run, players assume the role of their favorite Turtle as they outrun the Kraang’s tractor beam, battling enemies with Ninjutsu combat along the way. As enemies are defeated, players earn coins that can be redeemed for awesome power ups, weapons and gear.  Collecting energy orbs fills the player’s Energy Meter and keeps the Kraang away.  Once the Energy Meter is filled,players enter “Turtle Time” – a special combat mode where game play is zoomed in and slowed down, and players must tap in rapid succession, striking multiple enemies simultaneously in a thrilling fight sequence to increase coin collection.

To enhance gameplay experience, players can visit the Turtle Lair to unlock characters, purchase power ups and upgrade their Turtle’s weapons and gear.  Enhancements can be purchased using game coins oran iTunes account. New gear influences coin collection rates, energy meter drainage and refills, builds players’ resistance to certain obstacles and enables them to fast-forward to any section of the game already played, gaining additional coins.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run will be available for $1.99 on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Justin is Editor of IGN Wireless. He has been reviewing mobile games since the dark days of Java flip phones. You can follow him on Twitter at @ErrorJustin and on IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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