Tuesday 11 December 2012

Petition Started Asking For Dark Souls II on Wii U

Following on from Friday's announcement that Dark Souls II will be winging its way onto PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC at some stage in the future, it seems Nintendo fans are put out that the game isn't slated to appear on Wii U.

According to NintendoLife, a group of frustrated gamers have banded together to start a petition asking Namco Bandai and developer From Software to reconsider porting the game to Wii U as well.

At the moment the signature count is hovering around the 3,000 mark. If it's something you'd be interested in though, be sure to add your name to the list; Namco Bandai has previous form in listening to requests from gamers, and it was actually a petition just like this that managed to secure the release of the original Dark Souls on PC.

Luke Karmali is IGN's UK Editorial Assistant and still hasn't recovered from Demon's Souls. You too can revel in mediocrity by following him on IGN and on Twitter.

Source : ign[dot]com

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