Tuesday 11 December 2012

Report: Xbox 720 And PS4 Codenames And Details

While we've heard a range of speculation about the codenames of Sony and Microsoft's next-gen consoles, a new report is claiming to have outed them correctly for the first time, as well as revealing where their components are being manufactured.

Be sure to remember that none of the below has been confirmed by either Sony or Microsoft so, until it is, take it all with a large pinch of salt.

According to SemiAccurate, internal sources have revealed that Microsoft's next Xbox is is being developed as project "Kryptos". The report also asserts that, as we've heard previously, the AMD chip the console will run on is called Oban. Additionally, it seems that the manufacturing troubles with the chip that were threatening to derail the console's rumoured 2013 launch still haven't been cleared up, and Microsoft is running out of time to do so.

While we've now heard about the Oban chip from several different sources, this is the first time that the "Kryptos" codename has been thrown into the mix. We've previously heard the next-gen Xbox referred to as Durango; indeed, development photos and a supposed early version of the dev kit for Microsoft's next console that was sold on eBay went under that moniker. So which is the real codename? Sadly, for now at least, we have no idea.

Moving onto the console many are calling the PlayStation 4, it's apparently being referred to internally as project "Thebes". Once again, an AMD chip is meant to be at the centre of the console and this is planned to be produced at either Global Foundries or IBM. If true, this means the chip would enter production after Oban, meaning a projected release window for the PlayStation 4 would be sometime between spring and autumn 2013.

Again this conflicts with some of the information we've previously heard; numerous sources have referred to the PS4 as Orbis. This new report doesn't offer much more in the way of what's inside Sony's next console, but thankfully we have an extensive report from November that offers quite a few unconfirmed details.

So what do you think? Is the report accurate, and do you prefer the old or new codenames?

Luke Karmali is IGN's UK Editorial Assistant and is scared what the next-generation will do to his bank balance. You too can revel in mediocrity by following him on IGN and on Twitter.

Source : ign[dot]com

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