Monday 14 January 2013

IGN AU Pubcast Ep. 61: Revengeance Is Sweet

Well, the stupid world didn’t stupid end, which means we spent Christmas with the mother of all hangovers and now we’re back at work. Not that work’s bad or anything – it’s video games for Swery’s sake! Anyway, for our first Pubcast of 2013, we hit the ground running with the full team of Tristan, Lucy, Luke, Jem, Baker and Cam. Download the mayhem below!

Jem on a typical Australian Friday night out.

Lurking within the aural peaks and troughs of Episode 61:

  • Dealing with the fallout from the lack of Mayan apocalypse. Better get that Carly Rae Jepson tattoo removed, eh?
  • Our least anticipated games of 2013. Spoiler alert: we're not very keen on that one that everyone else seems to love. You know the one we mean
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, the best action game since Kickpuncher 3: The Revengeaning?
  • New games a go-go. Why you should pay attention to Disney Infinite and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
  • Gangster Squad… it's no Tiger Boat
  • Jem and Cam are pretty hyped about Pokemon X / Y, but the real question is: how many more refuse-related Pokemon can Nintendo pack into it?
  • Far Cry 3! Thought we'd finally shut up about it? WRONG! Now with extra sodomy talk!
  • Hey, you know that Android-powered gaming device Project Shield? It makes Cam angry. Find out why!

Download it today! Episode 61!

And don't forget you can check out (almost) all the previous episodes on iTunes. And hey, why not subscribe while you're there? And don't forget to join the IGN Australia Facebook community.

Source : ign[dot]com

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