Friday, 19 October 2012

League of Legends - CLG.Black once again prove themselves against Dignitas

Dignitas vs. CLG.Black

For this match up, CLG.Black brought in Wingsofdeath as they're top laner and keeping everyone else as they were against iG. It would soon be proven whether or not this change would benefit CLG.Black.

Game one


Bans: Orianna, Alistar, Jayce


  • Ezreal - Imaqtpie (adc)
  • Blitzcrank - Patoy (support)
  • Shen - Crumbz (top)
  • Shyvanna - IWDominate (jungle)
  • Karthus - scarra (mid)


Bans: Diana, Evelynn, Rengar


  • Maokai - Sycho Sid (jungle)
  • Sona - BloodWater (support)
  • Kog'Maw - Zuna (adc)
  • Singed - Wingsofdeath (top)
  • Lux - LINk115 (mid)

In game one, both teams opted for a passive farming game. Being the mechanically superior team, Dignitas pulled out ahead and slowly gained control of the game. Funnily enough, both teams decided to attempt a split pushing strategy with Singed for CLG.Black, and Shen for Dignitas. However, in the face-off between Shen (Crumbz) and Singed (Wingsofdeath), Crumbz had the upper hand. With Dignitas as a whole having the farm lead, and a more threatening split pusher, the passive play had completely different meanings for both teams. CLG.Black seemed to continue trying to be careful, while Dignitas seemed to be patiently waiting for their chance to win. This chance presented itself when Dignitas was able to pick up baron after winning back to back team fights. This allowed Dignitas to be more aggressive which won them a 4-0 team fight in a final push for the win.

Game two


Bans: Rengar, Jayce, Shen


  • Kha'zix - Crumbz (top)
  • Corki - Imaqtpie (adc)
  • Orianna - scarra (mid)
  • Taric - Patoy (support)
  • Malphite - IWDominate (jungle)


Bans: Diana, Evelynn, Karthus


  • Ezreal - LINk115 (mid)
  • Sona - BloodWater (support)
  • Lee Sin - Sycho Sid (jungle)
  • Olaf - Wingsofdeath (top)
  • Sivir - Zuna (adc)

In game two, CLG.Black drastically changed their strategy. CLG.Black realized they can't play too passively against Dignitas and picked a mobile team. Sycho Sid on Lee Sin, was able to make good use of his mobility to effectively gank and counter gank. With such a mobile team and having more aggression, CLG.Black was able to gain the lead. Finally, at around 27 minutes, CLG.Black was able to ace Dignitas which allowed them to take an inhibitor and baron. Straight off of baron, IWDominate (Malphite) was caught out of position and killed, forcing the surrender from Dignitas, knowing they can't hold off a push from a baron buffed team in a 4v5 situation.

This game was drastically different from game one. CLG.Black's mobility allowed them to dodge AoE ultimates, and split Dignitas for more favorable team fights which always gave them the upper hand and allowed them to win.

Game three


Bans: Jayce, Sona, Ereal


  • Varus - Imaqtpie (adc)
  • Shyvana - IWdominate (jungle)
  • Orianna - scarra (mid)
  • Lulu - Patoy (support)
  • Shen - Crumbz (top)


Bans: Evelynn, Diana, Rengar


  • Cassiopeia - LINk115 (mid)
  • Alistar - BloodWater (support)
  • Corki - Zuna (adc)
  • Nidalee - Wingsofdeath (top)
  • Lee Sin - Sycho Sid (jungle)

After a lane switch from both teams, Dignitas continued their passive play while Sycho Sid (Lee Sin) focused his aggression towards top, which helped Corki (Zuna) gain an early advantage against Varus (Imaqtpie). Bot lane became a farming lane between bruisers like game one. The game progressed with neither team gaining a clear lead. Eventually, Wingsofdeath would emerge as the hero of this match. After a certain point, Wingsofdeath (Nidalee)  refused to leave bot lane, constantly placing pressure on turrets. Of course, Crumbz, with his global presence, was the ideal candidate to stop Nidalee. However, CLG.Black would not allow the first game to repeat itself. The remaining four players of CLG.Black baited baron which pulled Shen away from the bot lane and allowed Nidalee to take the inhibitor turret. Realizing their advantage, CLG.Black would continue to pull Dignitas into fights, allowing Nidalee to whittle away the enemy base. Finally, with an open enemy nexus, CLG.Black engaged in a 4v4 team fight at top lane. Dignitas, hoped that Shen could keep Nidalee at bay, however, their expectations fell short. Nidalee was able to kill Shen and move on to win the game for his team.

Key Plays

  • Constant baits and pressure from CLG.Black in game 3 allowed Nidalee to split push.
  • Game 2, IWDominate (Malphite) was caught out of position after CLG.Black took baron, forcing the surrender


The MVP is undoubtedly Wingsofdeath in game three. Despite being the sub, he single handedly won the game with his Nidalee split push. He created a situation in which Shen could not leave bot lane without suffering consequences, and gained a lead big enough to beat Shen 1v1 for the win.

Other Thoughts

I felt Dignitas had no real will to win this match. There was no aggression, no threats created, and no drive to win. Dignitas played solidly, but too passively. This passivity allowed CLG.Black to walk all over them in games two and three. Even with their defeat in game two, Dignitas failed to make any aggressive responses in game three (despite game three being the closest match). On the other hand, CLG.Black immediately realized what they needed to win, and executed very well despite another change to their roster. They played much more in sync than even the match against iG. As the underdogs of multiple matches, their drive to win and adaptability allowed them to win this match. While once again, they seem like the underdogs in their match-up against Mono.Ferus, they have already proven, by knocking out two world class teams, that they are not to be underestimated.

Source : ign[dot]com

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