Wednesday, 17 October 2012

StarCraft II - SlayerS Clan to disband

It was confirmed to IPL by a SlayerS coach to IPL at 6:00am Pacific Time that Kim "Jessica" Ga Yeon decided to disband SlayerS.

While the exact reasons are unclear, the coach believed it was a combination of the hardships of running a team alone, especially now that Lim Yo "BoxeR" Hwan was no longer running the team with her, or the emotional toll that the last few months have taken on her.

It marks the end of an era that saw SlayerS win two GSTL Championships, and MMA win a GSL Code S championship at Blizzcon 2011.

It remains to be decided what will happen to SlayerS spot in IPTL and GSTL as well as other international team leagues. This also sends an influx of upcoming talent such as Brown and Dark into the free market.

You can next see ex-SlayerS player Brown in IPL Fight Club Monday October 22nd 4pm Pacific Time.

Source : ign[dot]com

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