Thursday 11 October 2012

T-Shirt of the Day - Mordor

Welcome to IGN's T-Shirt of the day! We may not be experts in the field of fashion, but we know an awesome t-shirt when we see one. We'll be posting one every day, 'til the end of time. Or until we stop. Whichever comes first.

Maybe you're convinced Mordor's denizens are tragically misunderstood. Or maybe the queue for Space MountDoom just stresses you out. Today's shirt says everything about Disneyland we never could.

Red Bubble - $25 + shipping

Love it? Hate it? Already wearing it? Let us know in the comments.

And in case you missed it: yesterday's T-Shirt of the Day!

Jon Fox is a Seattle hipster who loves polar bears and climbing trees. You can follow him on Twitter and IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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