Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man #695 Review

With Alpha thankfully a thing of the past, Dan Slott and co-writer Christos Gage dive headfirst into the next three-part arc, Danger Zone, which features Hobgoblin Phil Urich, a device that messes with Spidey’s spider-sense, and long-thought-dead former-Hobgoblin Roderick Kingsley. While Kingsley spends this issue mostly out of sight, Urich makes his move against Spidey in a big way that, compounded with a malfunctioning spider-sense, sets up what looks to be quite the exciting story.

Artist Giuseppe Camuncoli offers a break from Humberto Ramos’s lighter style. Spider-Man always works best with an artist who defies typical convention while maintaining a respectable distance from realism, where Spidey begins to lose his magic. Camuncoli does that in spades here during the opening fight scene. Although, during the uncostumed parts of the book his loose linework hurts some panels.

While a lot can be said about the consistency of tone that Slott writes this title with, there has always been a lack of insightful wit. Spider-Man’s dialogue and captions are always surface thoughts that comment on the now in an attempt at humor, but it often feels that the jokes miss more than hit. That said, this issue got a laugh or two out of me, and I have a feeling it might have something to do with Gage’s involvement as co-writer. This issue ends on a nice cliffhanger that puts Spider-Man in a genuine spot of trouble; ironically, he could use a sidekick right about now.

And if you want to see a bunch of tiny teaser images for Marvel NOW! awkwardly shoehorned into the narrative, you can find that in here, too.

Joshua is a writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter or IGN, but only if you are prepared to hear more about Darth Maul, Green Lantern, and Doop than you would ever care to know.

Source : ign[dot]com

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