Monday 13 May 2013

Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies Headed West This Fall

Capcom has confirmed that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies is headed to North America and Europe this fall. Previously known as Ace Attorney 5, Dual Destinies will be available on 3DS as a digital download via the eShop.

As described by Capcom, Dual Destinies is set eight years after the last court appearance of Phoenix Wright and sees him returning to a destroyed courtroom. “It’s down to Phoenix Wright and his team at the Wright Anything Agency to discover the cause of the destruction. Players will have to battle it out in court against Gaspen Payne, the younger brother of Winston Payne from previous Ace Attorney titles, as they defend the accused.”

Dual Destinies offers 3D gameplay for the first time in the franchise, and players “will need to investigate each crime scene with dynamic 3D visuals, making it possible to change views and zoom-in on areas to uncover any hidden evidence or clues. The drama continues in the court room as players present their evidence, challenge witnesses and begin to unravel the truth behind each of the cases.”

In addition to Phoenix Wright, the cast of Dual Destinies includes “the young Attorney Apollo Justice and new Associate Attorney Athena Cykes. Athena’s unique ability to psychoanalyse witnesses introduces a brand new element to proceedings. Using Athena’s ‘Mood Matrix’ players can detect the emotional state of a witness and tell whether they’re surprised, angry, happy or sad. Players can compare these feelings with the statement given by the witness, point out any contradictions between the two and challenge the witness testimony.”

Andrew Goldfarb is IGN’s news editor. Keep up with pictures of the latest food he’s been eating by following @garfep on Twitter or garfep on IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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