Thursday, 16 May 2013

This is OUYA!

If you were an OUYA backer then chances are you either have the console, or it's on the way.  Well I was one of those backers and finally received my console.  Below you'll see a collection of all the things I was able to do with my new console including taking it out of the box, setting it up, and doing a bit of gaming with Final Fantasy 3. I'm not sure if my $150 investment was warranted yet, but I still got to have at least a little bit of fun with my purchase. Check it all out below.

OUYA Unboxing

The first thing you'll want to do is take the thing out of the box. Above Justin Davis and myself take the console out of the box and Justin shows me a thing or two about the console that I had not known before.

OUYA Setup

Now one step that took a little while was the setup. Here I hopped in and show you how to get started. I go over the dashboard and how to download games also.

OUYA Emulation

While we do not support illegal roms, we do support awesome guys like Sivak who made the NES game Battle Kid! If you haven't heard of it you can read more here on his website, and we'll show you how to get it installed on you OUYA.

OUYA Final Fantasy 3 Gameplay

Finally I got to play Final Fantasy 3.  You can see about 15 minutes of gameplay above and it was actually my smoothest experience on the OUYA so far. Now let's get GTA Vice City running on there okay OUYA?

Anyway that was my experience with the console. It's still early, but the platform seems to be shaping up nicely. Only time will tell if it can actually grab the attention of gamers everywhere.

Destin is an Editorial Producer at IGN, and can usually be heard helping you through our many video guides. If you like social stuff you can find him on Twitter or Facebook

Source : ign[dot]com

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